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Validate communication with the NDD Print Host

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To validate communication with the NDD Print Host > tab NDD Print Host

Inform the necessary data:

Connection: Protocol used for communication between the modules in the environment;

Server address: The network address of the server where NDD Print Host is installed. If it is on the same machine, use IP;

Port: Communication port used by each protocol. It will automatically be filled with the default value when selecting the type of connection, but can be changed if necessary;

Authentication type: It allows to select the authentication type used in the environment, to validate the user data access;

  • User and password: It must be completed in the format "domain\logon";

  • PIN;

  • PIN + Secure PIN;

  • Physical identifier;

  • Physical identifier + Secure PIN;

Authenticate: It performs the communication test and authentication with the data configured in the NDD Print Host, then displaying the profile information of the authenticated user;

Copy server return: It copies the data returned by the server in JSON format to the clipboard, so they can be scanned if necessary.

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