The authentication options available are those found in the NDD Print Host server configuration. Click on the desired authentication type icon for more information.

User and Password
In this authentication method, select the domain (if you have more than one domain registered on the NDD Print Host server) and enter your credentials. After that, click Login.
PIN/PIN and Secure PIN
When the authentication method is configured in this way, the user must enter the PIN and/or PIN and Secure PIN, as registered in Portal 360.
External Device/USB Reader
To use this authentication method, the USB reader must be configured and connected to the equipment's USB port. To authenticate, move your physical identifier closer to the USB reader so that your credentials are validated in the system.
Second Authentication Method
Used as a redundant login mode, so you can choose to bring the physical identifier closer to the USB reader, insert the PIN code or User and Password of the domain used, according to the configuration chosen on the NDD Print Host server.
Physical Identifier Register
The physical identifiers register can be enabled to be done by the user on the equipment, being necessary to validate the access credentials (using the Second Authentication Method) to confirm the data. When the user approaches a physical identifier whose internal code is not registered in the server's database, the embedded product offers the option to register.
To register physical identifiers on the equipment, it is necessary that the Second Authentication Method is enabled.
For more information on authentication methods and their settings, access the NDD Print Host manual
For more details on user management, access the NDD Print Portal 360 manual