The authentication options available are those found in the NDD Print Host server configuration, in addition to the contingency in cases of communication loss with the server. Click on the desired authentication type icon for more information.
Username and Password
In this authentication method, the user will be shown the interface where he will enter the credentials registered in the domain used, as configured in NDD Print Host.
If you have more than one domain, click on the List button and select one.
After entering the data, click on the confirmation icon.
PIN/PIN and Secure PIN
With this authentication mode configured, the user needs to enter the PIN and also enter the Secure PIN.
If used, the printing finalities will be presented for the user to choose (click on the List button), and the chosen finality will be used for all copies and prints. In this case, it will not be possible to change the printing purpose after logging in. If it is necessary to change it, the user must log out and login again.
For more information on authentication methods and their settings, see the NDD Print Host manual
For more details on user management, see the NDD Print Portal 360 manual