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Customize the user disk space

User prerequisites:

Master Administrator Permission or

Administrator Permission

Process prerequisites:

The policy to be removed:

- Cannot be applied to all members or

- Should not have only one registered member

Customizing disk space allows you to set how much space on the NDD Print Releaser server can be used by each user to store their jobs.

To customize the disk space that will be available to the user > view Users > menu Users > on the list select the user > action Open > tab Secure release > Edit

Select the desired behavior, considering:

Default limitation: To use the limitation set in the settings;

Specific limitation: To set a specific limiting value. In this case the pre-defined rule in the settings will be overwritten by the value entered in the user properties.

Without limitation: To define that this user has no space limitation. In this case the default rule in the settings will be ignored for this user.


The control is only available if in the secure release settings the Disk Space Limitation in NDD Print Releaser option is configured to limit the use of disk space.

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