Export report for print jobs
User prerequisites:
If the logged-in user is not manager of any account, the reports will display only the user print jobs data.
Process prerequisites:
This report allows you to view print data, and in addition to the filter options, you can apply some export preferences.
To view the report > view Reports > menu Exports > Print jobs
The report generation wizard will display the filters:
Date interval: This range allows you to delimit the information that will be displayed in the report.
Filter entire days: When enabled, it is not necessary to enter time in the Start Date and End Date fields.
Start date;
End date.
User: It allows you to view only the selected user information;
Computer: It allows you to view only the selected computer information;
Physical printer: Allows you to view only the selected printer information.
Advanced filter:
Color: It allows to generate the report according to the selected color, being: "Color" or "Black and White";
Paper: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected paper type;
Print mode: It allows to generate the report according to the selected print mode, being: "Simplex" or "Duplex";
Application: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected file type (Word, Excel, PDF ...);
Origin: It allows to generate the report according to the print source, being: "Bureau", "Forms", "DPS" or "Direct printing";
Type: It allows to generate the report according to the job type, being: "Printing", "Copy" or "Fax Received";
Account: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific account;
Site: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific site;
Department: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific department;
Export options: It allows defining the additional information that should be presented in the report, as well as the way the data should be exported:
Export print job details (title and date): It allows you to drill down into report information with title and date. This option is not recommended due to the large number of registers to return.
Export accounts code;
Export printer additional information (IP, port, type, serial, site and department): It allows you to drill down the report information with additional printer data.
Export information from the print queues: It inserts the information about the print queues, such as "Queue name", "Driver", "Queue port", and "Sharing" in the report.
Send to my email: This field brings the email configured in the user's registry that is logged in, the address to which the report will be sent;
Select data field to apply filter:
Print date;
Inclusion date;
Save as: It allows you to choose the file export format, which can be: "CSV" or "XML".
Create multiple files, due to Excel limitation: This option should be used when data exceeds 65,000 lines, since this is a limitation of Excel itself.