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Printer inventory report

User prerequisites:

Master Administrator Permission or

Administrator Permission

Process prerequisites:


This report allows you to view all the equipment that has had their jobs accounted by print agents. Information about: Name, Address, Serial Number and Location will be displayed.

To view the report > view Reports > menu Inventories > Printers

The report generation wizard will display the filters:

Report options:

Generate now;

Schedule: In this case it is possible to configure how often the report will be generated, as well as the users who should receive it.

Export: In this case the report will be exported and saved in .csv format.


List only printers with accounting transaction: It allows you to filter only printers that have registered accounting.

From: It allows you to delimit the start date for the data search.


Do not group: In this case the report data will be presented in list form, without grouping;

Group by site and department: In this case the report data will be grouped by site and department.

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