Print report per users
This report allows you to view the information of all users, as well as specific users. The following information will be displayed: User, Current Account, B&W, Color, Pages, Cost and % (percentage of the total for this report).
To view the report > view Reports > menu Jobs > locate Print, copy and fax > Users
Each user will view the information in the reports according to their permissions, so when they do not have manager permission, only the data of their print jobs will be displayed.
The report generation wizard will display the filters:
Report options:
Generate now;
Schedule: In this case it is possible to configure how often the report will be generated, as well as the users who should receive it.
Date interval: This range allows you to delimit the information that will be displayed in the report.
Filter entire days: When enabled, it is not necessary to enter time in the Start Date and End Date fields.
Start date;
End date.
User selection: It allows you to view only the information of the selected user.
Advanced filter:
Color: It allows to generate the report according to the selected color, being: "Colored" or "Black and White";
Paper: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected paper type;
Print mode: It allows to generate the report according to the selected print mode, being: "Simplex" or "Duplex";
Application: It allows you to generate the report according to the selected file type (Word, Excel, PDF ...);
Origin: It allows to generate the report according to the print source, being: "Bureau", "Forms", "DPS" or "Direct printing";
Type: It allows to generate the report according to the job type, being: "Printing", "Copy" or "Fax Received";
Account: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific account;
Do not filter by child accounts: It allows to generate the report only with the main (parent) account data;
Site: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific site;
Department: It allows you to generate the report only from a specific department;
Group by site and department: In this case the report data will be grouped by site and department.
Report: When generating the report, the information will be presented in list form;
Statistical analysis: In this case the information will be presented in the form of statistics (with period and composition totals) and graphically (with information regarding paper types, applications and environmental impact). This analysis provides an overview of the data presented in the general reports.
Order by: It allows you to sort the report information by "Alphabetical", "Page Volume", "Cost" or "Account" order;
Classification: It allows you to the list information as "Ascending" or "Descending".
By clicking on a specific user you can view the report in its detailed form, where the information grouped by Printer will be displayed and the print data will be listed as: Document, Date, B&W, Color, Cost, Application, Duplex and Paper.