Set email server
Process Prerequisites:
The features share documents and / or delegate documents must be enabled, or
Feature Print via email must be enabled
To configure the email server > menu Tools > Settings ... > tab Email notifications > Configure email server > enter the required data > Apply > OK
Please inform the required data, considering that:
Tipo de servidor: Selecione o tipo de servidor para configuraĆ§Ć£o, sendo eles:
E-mail server
Address of the email server (SMTP protocol);
Use TLS / SSL authentication;
Sender email;
Always send a copy to: Inform the email addresses you want to send a copy.
Sending Test.
Office 365
E-mail server
Application (client) ID: Inform the ID generated when registering the application in Azure;
Directory (tenant) ID: Inform the company ID in Azure;
Client Secret: Inform the key generated when registering the application in Azure;
Source email;
Always send a copy to: Inform the email addresses you want to send a copy.
Sending Test.
You can use the Test Send option to verify that the configuration works