Enable the feature print via email
Process Prerequisites:
The email server must be configured
This feature allows the user to print the content and attachments of a message sent to a configured email address. For this, on each time interval is verified the existence of new emails in the configured inbox, these emails are retained and can later be printed on any release agent.
To enable print via email > menu Tools > Settings ... > tab Print via email > select Enable print via email
Configure inbox
Set up the inbox, considering that:
Access protocol: Select the type of protocol for configuration, which are:
Server: Server address;
Port: Connection port to the server;
Account: Account that will receive the emails to be printed;
Password: Account's password;
Use SSL authentication;
Check the inbox every (minutes);
Test connection.
Office 365
Application (client) ID: Inform the ID generated when registering the application in Azure;
Directory (tenant) ID: Inform the company ID in Azure;
Client Secret: Inform the key generated when registering the application in Azure;
Email account: Account that will receive the emails to be printed;
Check the inbox every (minutes);
Test connection.
You can use the Test Send option to verify that the configuration works
The supported attachment formats depends on the configurations set
Depending on the volume of emails sent to the server, there may be a delay in displaying the document on the embedded solutions