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April 2023

Hello, these are the April 2023 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news, and we hope you like it.

Here you can download the latest versions.

See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.

NDD Print Agent 5.23.12


NDD Print 360 Mobile iOS 6.3.0




NDD Print Client Access Lexmark 5.10.4


NDD Print 360 Mobile Android 6.4.0




NDD Print Host 5.53.4



NDD Print Releaser 5.25.2


NDD Print Agent 5.23.12

Released on April 26


Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies

Approved models?

  • LEXMARK MS622de

  • EPSON ET3850 Series

  • XEROX C235

  • XEROX B230

  • EPSON ET M1170

  • EPSON ET5880

  • XEROX B315

Observations? Incompatible equipment:

  • PANTUM M6550NW

  • CANON GM2000



NDD Print 360 Mobile iOS 6.3.0

Released on April 26

New features

Make the APP compatible for iOS version 14, 15 and 16

What is the new functionality? Make the application compatible with iOS version 14, 15 and 16.

What is the benefit of the new feature? To adapt to the modifications of the version, bringing more performance and security to our application.

How does the new feature work? It is now possible to install NDD Print Mobile on iOS systems in version 14, 15 and 16.

Observations? None.


Security Vulnerability Fixes

How did the problem happen? There were vulnerabilities in the source code and third party components used to develop the application.

When did the problem happen? As a way of preventing attacks, we made the changes before the flaws could be exploited.

Where was the problem? The vulnerabilities were in the NDD Print 360 Mobile iOS application, its source code and third party libraries.

What was done to fix it? Some analysis was performed with the SonarQube and Snyk tools to identify the vulnerabilities and perform the fixes.


Rebranding NDD Print 360 iOS

What purpose? Adapt the product to the new NDD brand.

What was done? We adapted some graphic elements (logo, icons and nomenclature) for our new brand following the NDD Rebranding.

What will be affected? The NDD Print Mobile iOS interface.

What is the impact on the environment? None.

Observations? None.

Making the NDD Print 360 Mobile iOS HTTPS-compliant

What purpose? Enable the NDD Print 360 Mobile iOS to perform secure communication, via the HTTPS protocol.

What was done? We have changed the communication method of the app with the NDD Print Host and Releaser from HTTP (Nancy) to HTTPS.

What will be affected? The communication between the application and the server with the NDD Print Host and Releaser.

What is the impact on the environment? The application will no longer communicate via HTTP, so it is necessary to adapt the environment to use the HTTPS protocol.

  • NDD Print Host - Port 56569

  • NDD Print Releaser - Port 56570

Observations? None.

NDD Print Client Access Lexmark 5.10.4

Released on April 17


Update of Card Reader Drivers

How did the problem happen? Card reader was not working correctly in the printer.

When did the problem happen? When performing card authentication.

Where was the problem? In Keyboard or Omnikey type readers.

What was done to fix it? The version of the card reader drivers was updated:

  • keyboardreader - 2.4.15

  • omnikey5427ckdriver - 1.2.14

NDD Print 360 Mobile Android 6.4.0

Released on April 17

New features

Make the APP compatible for Android version 13

What is the new functionality? Make the application compatible with Android version 13.

What is the benefit of the new feature? To adapt to the modifications of the version, bringing more performance and security to our application.

How does the new feature work? It is now possible to install NDD Print Mobile on Android systems in version 13.

Observations? None.


Security Vulnerability Fixes

How did the problem happen? There were vulnerabilities in the source code and third party components used to develop the application.

When did the problem happen? As a way of preventing attacks, we made the changes before the flaws could be exploited.

Where was the problem? The vulnerabilities were in the NDD Print 360 Mobile Android application, its source code and third party libraries.

What was done to fix it? Some analysis was performed with the SonarQube and Snyk tools to identify the vulnerabilities and perform the fixes.


Making the NDD Print 360 Mobile Android HTTPS-compliant

What purpose? Enable the NDD Print 360 Mobile Android to perform secure communication, via the HTTPS protocol.

What was done? We have changed the communication method of the app with the NDD Print Host and Releaser from HTTP (Nancy) to HTTPS.

What will be affected? The communication between the application and the server with the NDD Print Host and Releaser.

What is the impact on the environment? The application will no longer communicate via HTTP, so it is necessary to adapt the environment to use the HTTPS protocol.

  • NDD Print Host - Port 56569

  • NDD Print Releaser - Port 56570

Observations? None.

NDD Print Host 5.53.4

Released on April 13


Error message when performing a sync with the NDD Print Portal 360

How did the problem happen? The database paging size was exceeding the limit during the sync.

When did the problem happen? When performing a sync with the NDD Print Portal 360.

Where was the problem? In the SQLite database.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the database paging size to 1000 records.

Translation not performed in the pending debits message

How did the problem happen? During the NDD Print Host update, the pop-up was only displayed in Portuguese.

When did the problem happen? When updating the NDD Print Host.

Where was the problem? In the pop-up with the pending debits' synchronization message.

What was done to fix it? We have corrected the message so that it shows the information according to the language in which the NDD Print Host was installed.


Approved printers for collecting counters and network supplies.

Approved models?

  • RICOH IM 430


  • XEROX B310

  • LEXMARK CX923de

  • EPSON ET-M1170

  • LEXMARK MX931dse


Observations? None.

NDD Print Releaser 5.25.2

Released on April 05


User documents were not being displayed for release

How did the problem happen? When the NDD Print Releaser registered the information of the jobs in the database, they were inserted in a duplicate way, because some tables in the database were differentiating between capital and small characters (case-sensitive).

When did the problem happen? In environments with the SQLite database.

Where was the problem? In the process of registering the domain and user information in the database.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the tables so that they did not differentiate between capital and small characters (case-sensitive).

JavaScript errors detected

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