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January 2023

Hello, these are the January 2023 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news and we hope you like it.

Here you can download the latest versions.

See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.

NDD Print MPS 5.79.0


NDD Print MPS 5.78.0


NDD Print MPS 5.77.0


NDD Print Portal 360 5.72.0


NDD Print Host 5.53.0




NDD Print MPS 5.79.0

Released on January 25

New features

Security implementations and vulnerabilities

Changes were made to offer a greater degree of security against vulnerabilities and greater data protection.

Important Notes:

Not available.

Tested and Approved Environments:

Operating Systems

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition 64 Bits.

Database Management Systems

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017.


  • Internet Explorer 11.

NDD Print MPS 5.78.0

Released on January 25

New features

New search filter in the properties of a PrintHost

A new search filter was included in the Registration tab of the Printers tab in the PrintHost properties. The filter allows you to carry out searches on network addresses registered for monitoring, making it easier to locate specific addresses in very extensive lists.

Important Notes:

Not available.

Tested and Approved Environments:

Operating Systems

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition 64 Bits.

Database Management Systems

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017.


  • Internet Explorer 11.

NDD Print MPS 5.77.0

Released on January 25

New features

Performance optimization in the Monitoring View

Performance adjustments were made so that loading information from the "Multiple monitoring" grid that refer to Print Hosts occurs faster and more efficiently.

Exchange engine for manufacturer UTAX

We studied and implemented the supply exchange engine for printers from the UTAX manufacturer.

Important Notes:

Not available.

Tested and Approved Environments:

Operating Systems

  • Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition 64 Bits.

Database Management Systems

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017.


  • Internet Explorer 11.

NDD Print Portal 360 5.72.0

Released on January 18


Improved Sharepoint authentication

What purpose? Maintain compatibility with Sharepoint as Microsoft has implemented more secure authentication.

What was done? Changed the method of authentication in the Sharepoint settings, requiring an application ID, directory ID and a certificate.

What will be affected? The Sharepoint settings screen.

What is the impact on the environment? Now it will be necessary for the customer to create an App in Azure with full access permissions to the sites in Sharepoint and Microsoft Graph and make the necessary configurations in Sharepoint authentication.

Observations? Not available.

NDD Print Host 5.53.0

Released on January 18

New features

Compatibility of NDD Print Host with SQLite

What is the new functionality? Use of SQLite Database

What is the benefit of the new feature? In addition to bringing us more security, it was necessary to migrate to SQL Lite due to the End of Life of SQL Compact.

How does the new feature work? SQLite is installed along with NDD Print Host and no additional steps are required for the user.

Observations? If an NDD Print Host update is performed, the minimum installed version must be 5.50.0.


Compatibilidade do NDD Print Host com nova forma de autenticação do Exchange online

What purpose? Microsoft will no longer accept login and password authentication by applications for its online solutions. In this way, it made other forms of authentication available to applications.

What was done? Implementation of NDD Print Host compatibility with a new form of Exchange Online authentication, due to Microsoft's announcement that authentication via Login and Password will be disabled for application use. This change affects the following features:

  • Added new method of configuring email sending server for sending blocked jobs notification email;

  • Added a new method for configuring the server for sending e-mails to deliver Digital Shift files by e-mail;

  • Changed synchronization with Portal 360 to support receiving new authentication configuration from SharePoint Online;

  • Changed delivery of Digital Shift files by SharePoint Online to use new authentication.

What will be affected? Old versions of NDD Print Host will no longer be able to deliver files from SharePoint and email using online exchange with old configuration.

What is the impact on the environment? It should be migrated to new forms of authentication, also updating the NDD Print Portal 360.


  • The option to send email via SMTP was not removed from the application, as other email servers still use it;

  • The old way of sending files through SharePoint Online has been disabled due to Microsoft no longer supporting the old authentication.


Approved printers for collecting counters and supplies.

Approved models?

  • Compatible:

    • EPSON SC T5405;



    • PANTUM BM5100FDW;

    • PANTUM BP5100DW.

  • Incompatible:

    • GDX BPZ420i

Observations? Not available.

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