July 2022
Hello, these are the July 2022 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news and we hope you like it.
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NDD Print MF/Client HP 5.21.3
NDD Print MF/Client HP 5.21.2
Failed to perform authentication by PIN and User and Password ➜
NDD Print Client does not respect behavior after authentication configured in NDD Print Releaser ➜
NDD Print Agent 5.23.5
NDD Print MF/Client HP 5.21.3
Released on July 29
Failed to release the document after authentication (fast releaser)
How did the problem happen? When releasing documents with the “Release pending documents after authentication” setting enabled in the NDD Print Releaser, the document was not released.
When did the problem happen? When the device was added by its Hostname instead of IP in NDD Print MF HP.
Where was the problem? When releasing pending documents.
What was done to fix it? The correction was performed in the NDD Print MF HP, so that the IP information is sent to the NDD Print Releaser, even if the device is added with its Hostname.
NDD Print MF/Client HP 5.21.2
Released on July 17
Failed to perform authentication by PIN and User and Password
How did the problem happen? Error in the authentication process due to the way to encrypt the information of specific users.
When did the problem happen? When encryption was applied to the user's email address.
Where was the problem? When performing authentication by PIN or User and Password.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the encryption algorithm.
NDD Print Client does not respect behavior after authentication configured in NDD Print Releaser
How did the problem happen? When NDD Print MF was updated to version 5.21.1, the behavior setting (screen to be displayed) after authentication was not respected.
When did the problem happen? When performing the NDD Print MF HP update.
Where was the problem? On HP NDD Print Client.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the API that performs the search for information in the NDD Print Releaser.
Identification of mono and color copy Jobs
What purpose? Improve the quota control process on copies.
What was done? The quota control rules have been fixed.
Jobs will be blocked when:
The Color and Mono quotas have their value less than or equal to zero;
Color quotas are greater than zero and Mono quotas are less than or equal to zero;
The Color or Mono quotas run out during the copying process, requiring the user to perform the authentication process again so that the balances are updated, following the previous rules.
What will be affected? The process of releasing copies when quotas are enabled.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
Observations? More information is available in the NDD Print MF HP manual.
NDD Print Agent 5.23.5
Released on July 6
Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies.
Approved models?
Observations? Not available.