May 2022
Hello, these are the May 2022 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news and we hope you like it.
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NDD Print MF/Client HP 5.21.1
Printers without connected readers requesting card authentication ➜
Correction of the quota value displayed in the NDD Print Client HP using shared quotas ➜
NDD Print MF/Client Konica 5.7.8
NDD Print Host 5.51.5
LDAP sync domain registration allowing space in the domain name ➜
Approved printers for collecting counters, supplies and network events ➜
NDD Print n- MF Lexmark 4.9.0
NDD Print MF/Client HP 5.21.1
Released on May 31
Quota discount is not updated in the embedded module
How did the problem happen? VQuota value was not updated. The NDD Print Client HP showed the quota balance, however, after printing, the discount occurred and the balance was not updated on the panel.
When did the problem happen? After performing a print job.
Where was the problem? NDD Print Client.
What was done to fix it? The ways in which the NDD Print Client performed the update of the quotas component have been fixed.
Printers disappearing from NDD Print MF HP
How did the problem happen? Printers disappearing from the HP NDD Print MF registry.
When did the problem happen? When adding devices with the same hostname.
Where was the problem? After performing the addition of devices.
What was done to fix it? We made the correction so that NDD Print HP does not allow the addition of equipment with the same hostname.
Error 48.A1.01 after adding the device in NDD Print MF HP
How did the problem happen? On MFP E52645 and MFP E57540 devices, after adding to the NDD Print MF HP, the error 48.A1.01 was displayed on the screen.
When did the problem happen? After adding the printer.
Where was the problem? On the printer screen.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the process in the Statistcs service that performed unnecessary validations in Scanner, Print and Delete jobs. The machine no longer needs to communicate with the HP NDD Print MF each time it completes a job.
Vulnerability in NDD Print MF HP
How did the problem happen? Jiangmin antivirus accused NDD Print MF HP as a trojan.
When did the problem happen? When downloading NDD Print MF HP.
Where was the problem? In the installer.
What was done to fix it? We have contacted the company that developed the antivirus, which in turn validated the NDD Print MF HP, noting that it is not a Trojan correcting the information on our Software in its database.
Icons are not unlocking on the dashboard
How did the problem happen? After performing authentication with a card, the icons were not unlocked from the screen.
When did the problem happen? When performing card authentication.
Where was the problem? On authentication.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the way we communicate with the printer to bring us information from the applications installed on the printer, in order to avoid communication failures with the server, allowing the user to release the equipment's resources.
Card reading coming with value 0 (zero)
How did the problem happen? When performing authentication with a card, only the value zero was recorded in the reading.
When did the problem happen? When performing card authentication.
Where was the problem? On authentication.
What was done to fix it? We fixed the CardDriver component to avoid any data conversion errors from card reads.
Duplicate accounting
How did the problem happen? After performing a print, the NDD Print MF HP recorded the accounting twice.
When did the problem happen? When making a print.
Where was the problem? In the accounting process.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the job information validation routines, so that double accounting is eliminated.
Cost format does not respect the English language and the time in am/pm format, interfering with the visualization
How did the problem happen? When accessing held documents in the English language, the time format overwritten the job's page number information (interfering with viewing). In English, the cost must be separated by a period (5.20), instead of a comma (5,20).
When did the problem happen? When opening document properties in the NDD Print Client HP.
Where was the problem? In held documents.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the regionalization rules and also corrected the arrangement of elements on the NDD Print Client HP screen.
Update inconsistencies
How did the problem happen? When trying to perform an update, the process did not end and kept being repeated infinitely.
When did the problem happen? When performing an NDD Print MF HP update.
Where was the problem? In the installer dependencies.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the installer to terminate any dependencies related to NDD Print MF HP at the time of upgrade.
NDD Print Client was not loaded
How did the problem happen? The authentication calls were being carried out in parallel, causing only one of them to end successfully, with the failure that the application is not available.
When did the problem happen? When trying to perform card authentication.
Where was the problem? On authentication.
What was done to fix it? We have fixed the calls that the NDD Print Client created when performing authentication.
Failed to register physical identification
How did the problem happen? When trying to register the card, the error “Unknown error. @InvalidCardValue” was displayed.
When did the problem happen? When registering the physical identifier.
Where was the problem? On card registration.
What was done to fix it? We removed the character limitation on reading the physical identifier.
emove dependencies on Web Server (IIS) resources
What purpose? Reduce dependencies on Web Server (IIS) resources.
What was done? We have changed the technology used by the NDD Print Client HP.
What will be affected? Number and division of services that run in the environment derived from the NDD Print MF HP.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
What generated this improvement? Customers who use IIS for other applications, causing conflicts with the ports used by the NDD Print MF HP.
Observations? Not available.
NDD Print Client HP communication with server using HTTPS
What purpose? Enable greater security in communication between the NDD Print Client HP and the server.
What was done? We have implemented changes so that the NDD Print Client HP would support the use of the HTTPS protocol, making it possible to activate or deactivate it through the NDD Print MF HP settings.
What will be affected? It is necessary to open port 443 to use the HTTPS protocol.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
What generated this improvement? The security that the HTTPS protocol promotes.
Observations? After enabling or disabling HTTPS, it is necessary to re-add or reconfigure the printer.
Profiles for adding devices in NDD Print MF HP
What purpose? Make the process of adding equipment faster.
What was done? Added the options to skip the welcome and finishing screens.
What will be affected? The number of steps the user takes to add equipment.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
What generated this improvement? The number of steps the user took to add a large number of devices.
Observations? Not available.
New VID - PID DMZ Reader Compatibility
What purpose? Make PID3888 and VID3217 DMZ readers compatible.
What was done? Added new PID3888 and VID3217 of DMZ readers for identification by NDD Print MF HP.
What will be affected? Not available.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
What generated this improvement? Increase the range of readers approved for use in NDD Print MF and Client HP.
Observations? Not available.
Printers without connected readers requesting card authentication
What purpose? Make the NDD Print Client HP authentication interface display the physical identifier authentication screen only when a reader is connected to the printer.
What was done? Implementations necessary for the NDD Print MF HP to detect through the printer if there is any approved card reader connected.
What will be affected? Not available.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
What generated this improvement? It's a usability issue because we induce the user to perform card authentication.
Observations? Authentication by Physical Identifier must be enabled on the NDD Print Host.
Correction of the quota value displayed in the NDD Print Client HP using shared quotas
What purpose? Cause the value of the quotas to be presented according to the current balance, when using shared quotas.
What was done? Implementation so that the interface presents the value of the quotas in the correct way.
What will be affected? Not available.
What is the impact on the environment? Not available.
What generated this improvement? The information present in the NDD Print Client HP generated questions for the user, as the value presented was "9999".
Observations? Shared quotas are only available in environments with NDD Print 360 Server Local.
NDD Print MF/Client Konica 5.7.8
Released on May 9
Problem printing via USB port
When using the USB print option, the document was not printed.
An improvement has been made regarding the permissions required for embedded applications to be able to print from the USB Port.
Now also the user will be identified at the time of USB printing.
Failed to perform authentication by Physical Identifier
When performing authentication by Physical Identifier, the card was not read.
We made improvements to the response process we received from the Card Reader.
YarongTech Readers Approval
We carry out the approval of YarongTech Readers.
NDD Print Host 5.51.5
Released on May 6
LDAP sync domain registration allowing space in the domain name
A correction was made so that the domain name is treated at the time of registration, removing the blank spaces from the beginning and end of the domain name.
Approved printers for collecting counters, supplies and network events
EPSON M3170 series
NDD Print n- MF Lexmark 4.9.0
Released on May 3
Network accounting approved printers
Equipment of the fw5 and fw6 Family