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November 2022

Hello, these are the November 2022 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news and we hope you like it.

Here you can download the latest versions.

See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.

NDD Print MF/Client Epson 5.3.1

NDD Print Digital Shift Epson 5.0.1

Print Client Collector Lexmark 5.9.1

Print Client Access Lexmark 5.10.4

Print Client Lexmark 5.15.1

NDD Print Agent 5.23.9

NDD Print Host 5.51.13

NDD Print Agent 5.23.8

NDD Print MF/Client Epson 5.3.1

Released on November 29


NDD Print Digital Shift for Epson

What purpose? Make Epson devices compatible with the Digital Shift feature.

What was done? Adjustment made so that access to the Digital Shift functionality is done via Client.

What will be affected? None.

What is the impact on the environment? None.

Observations? Not available.


Accounting error due to excessive work performed

How did the problem happen? In environments where there was a considerable amount of equipment and many print jobs, the module was unable to locate jobs correctly for accounting purposes.

When did the problem happen? During the accounting process.

Where was the problem? In the MF module.

What was done to fix it? Adjustments were made to optimize the location of jobs.

NDD Print Digital Shift Epson 5.0.1

Released on November 29

New features

NDD Print Digital Shift for Epson

We have made Epson devices compatible with Digital Shift feature. This feature makes it easy to capture corporate documents. Based on flows, the solution promotes the automatic organization of documents in folders with the insertion of information directly on the equipment screen through the form. The solution can even integrate with our customers/partners' processing and storage solutions to further simplify business processes.

Print Client Collector Lexmark 5.9.1

Released on November 23


Sending the NSL File to the Host

What purpose? Send counter and supply data to host.

What was done? Adjustment made to allow the sending of counters and supplies also to the Host, where it was only sent to the MPS.

What will be affected? None.

What is the impact on the environment? None.

Observations? Not available.

NDD Print Client Access Lexmark 5.10.4

Released on November 23


Failed to send email when using the Card Copy function

How did the problem happen? When using the Card Copy application with authentication performed by NDD Print Client Access, sending scans by e-mail generated a failure. This incident occurred due to changes in the operation of Card Copy by Lexmark in the latest versions, where the authenticated user's email is now used as the sender instead of the email present in the SMTP settings. As the NDD Print Client Access used the authenticated user's email field to pass data to the NDD Print Client, this data was invalid as a sender and caused the sending error.

When did the problem happen? When finishing a scan with sending email on Card Copy using NDD Print Client Access.

Where was the problem? In Lexmark Card Copy application using NDD Print Client Access as authentication.

What was done to fix it? Adjustment made to pass only the user's email at the time of authentication, with data being passed to the NDD Print Client in another way.

Print Client Lexmark 5.15.1

Liberado em 23 de Novembro


Failed to send email when using the Card Copy function

How did the problem happen? When using the Card Copy application with authentication performed by NDD Print Client Access, sending scans by e-mail generated a failure. This incident occurred due to changes in the operation of Card Copy by Lexmark in the latest versions, where the authenticated user's email is now used as the sender instead of the email present in the SMTP settings. As the NDD Print Client Access used the authenticated user's email field to pass data to the NDD Print Client, this data was invalid as a sender and caused the sending error.

When did the problem happen? When finishing a scan with sending email on Card Copy using NDD Print Client Access.

Where was the problem? In Lexmark Card Copy application using NDD Print Client Access as authentication.

What was done to fix it? Adjustment made to pass only the user's email at the time of authentication, with data being passed to the NDD Print Client in another way.

NDD Print Agent 5.23.9

Released on November 21


Conversion by entering PJL command as composite black in SPL file

How did the problem happen? The @PJL SET GRAYSCALE command was inserted with a Composite value in the file generated by the spool, causing some HP printer models to interpret the print job as color.

When did the problem happen? When converting a job to monochrome.

Where was the problem? In the conversion component.

What was done to fix it? The EnableForceBlackonlyPjl setting has been implemented and enables insertion of the command @PJL SET GRAYSCALE=BLACKONLY in the header of files on printers supporting Blackonly High Quality (CMYK) mode when converting print jobs to monochrome.


Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies.

Modelos homologados?

  • LEXMARK CS622de

Observações? Não há.

NDD Print Host 5.51.13

Released on November 16


Failed to validate organizational unit filters in LDAP Sync

How did the problem happen? In LDAP synchronization, when manually registering a filter of organizational units, an error message validating the existence of the OU was displayed if the information entered had a difference in uppercase and/or lowercase characters.

When did the problem happen? After registering an organizational unit filter, when accessing the LDAP Domain Integration settings screen.

Where was the problem? On the configure organizational unit filters screen in the LDAP Domain Integration settings.

What was done to fix it? We have changed the validation of Organizational Units filters to be case-insensitive.


Approved printers for collecting counters and network supplies.

What type of approval? Approved printers for collecting counters and network supplies.

Approved models?



  • CANON iR-ADV C3826

  • EPSON M2170

Observations? Not available.

NDD Print Agent 5.23.8

Released on November 4


Accounting rule change to track blocked print only

What purpose? It allows to enable the accounting entered in the NPL to count only on records from blocked printing.

What was done? The DisableLogicAccounting setting has been implemented, which must have a value of 1 for it to be active.

What will be affected? It disables the default NDD Print Agent accounting rule.

What is the impact on the environment? No records of printing not blocked by system policy will be inserted into the NPL file.

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