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Offline installation

In this article you will learn how to install the NDD Print Client Canon offline.

Before you start

  • Access NDD Print Resources and download the NDD Print Client Canon.

  • Please note the location (EMEA or LATAM) of the package you wish to license and install.

Step 1: Generate the CSV file with the serial number(s)

  1. Create a CSV file

  2. Enter the serial numbers that will be licensed

Each serial number must be on a separate line and must not contain any special characters or spaces.

  1. Save the file

Step 2: Send for licensing

Depending on the location of the equipment, send the file to the e-mail address:

Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA)

Latin America (LATAM)

Serial numbers must be sent at least 24 hours before installation, and licensing will only be carried out during business hours.

You will be replied to in the same e-mail with the installation and licensing file.

Step 3: Installation

  1. Access the printer's web

  2. Log in as the Administrator user

  3. In the right sidebar, click on System Management Service

Install the application responsible for releasing the documents

  1. In the left sidebar, click on Install MEAP Application

  2. Under Application File Path, click Browse...

  3. Locate and select the NDDPrintClientCanon.jar file

  4. Under License File Path, click Browse...

  5. Locate and select the .lic file received by email

  6. Check Install and Start or Enable

  7. Click the Install

  8. On the confirmation page, click the Yes

  9. Wait for the installation

  10. Click the OK

Install the application responsible for authentication

  1. On the left side menu, click on Enhanced System Application Management

  2. Under Enhanced System Application File Path, click Browse...

  3. Locate and select the file NDDPrintClientAccessCanon.jar

  4. Under License File Path, click Browse...

  5. Locate and select the .lic file received by e-mail

  6. Check the Install and Start or Enable option

  7. Click the Install

  8. On the confirmation page, click the Yes

  9. Wait for the installation

  10. Click the OK

Step 4: Restart the printer

  1. Return to the printer's web homepage by clicking To Portal in the top right corner

  2. In the right sidebar, click on Settings/Registration

  3. In the left sidebar, click the Restart Device button

  4. Click the Perform Restart button

  5. Click the OK button

Wait for the printer to restart to Configuring the NDD Print Client Canon.


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