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Configure account attributes

Process Prerequisite

The Synchronize accounts must be enabled

The account properties that will be synchronized must be mapped

It allows you to set which additional account attributes will be synchronized.

To set the properties of the account to synchronize > tab Users > group Domains > action Domain Integration > Add > menu Accounts

Select the desired options:

Use a user attribute: Set a user attribute to be used as account value in synchronization;

Include users without account: When enabled, all users will be imported, including those who have no value set for the account attribute. Otherwise, only users that have a value set in the attribute account will be synchronized;

Use organizational units as accounts: An account hierarchy will be created based on domain organizational units;


Using this account synchronization method, the code becomes required information, requiring the mapping of an attribute.

By default the NDD Print Host performs the mapping of the ObjectGUID attribute.

Keep account history: Generates a record in the Portal 360 with the date on which the users have changed account. When disabled the history is not generated, where the user is always considered being a member of the current account.


When choosing to disable the Keep account history option, all print jobs linked to these users will not belong to any account and all previous history will be lost.


The account sync does not remove the Portal 360 accounts that were removed from the integrated domain.

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