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Edit sync domain

To edit a domain > tab Users > group Domains > action Domain Integration > select the domain > Properties > menu Connection

Change the data, with a view to:

Enable SSL: It performs connection to the domain controller using a secure connection, if the environment supports this configuration;

Server address;

Port: Communication port used for LDAP protocol;


The ports default values are 389 for LDAP and 636 for LDAP SSL.

Validate certificate: It checks for a valid security certificate configured on the domain controller to authorize the connection;

Version: LDAP connection version;


The default value for the version is 3.

Authentication type;

  • Basic: In this type of authentication, login and password are transferred in text encrypted to the server. Therefore, it is recommended that this method is used if the LDAP session is protected by LDAPS / LDAP over SSL.

  • Negotiate: This type of authentication is used only in environments where a real Windows credential can be used to log on the LDAP server - the Active Directory. Its main feature is that the login and password are encrypted transferred to the server. In addition, all LDAP communication is encrypted - even if they do not use SSL.


In NDD Print Host you can only select the authentication type that will be used to perform LDAP communication. The Basic or Negotiate settings must be set directly on the domain server.

Timeout (s): Waiting time for the results of research in the field;

User for search: User used for research in the field;


Active Directory domains: userteste

Domains OpenLdap: CN=userteste, DC=test, DC=local

Use DN to connect: It should be used whenever there is a need to inform the Distinguished Names to perform communication with the LDAP server;


Use DN connection disabled:

In this case the communication with the LDAP server will be performed using the information entered in the fields "Domain Name" and "User for search".

Thus the command sent is: "Domainname/userforsearch"

Use DN connection enabled:

This option should be used when the "User for search" is filled in with Distinguished Names.

Thus, when performing communication with the server, the command sent is: "CN=user, OU=People, DC=Domain, DC=com"

Note that when Using DN connection option is enabled, the information entered in the field "Domain Name" is not used, only the data entered in the "User for search".


Validate user: It performs a test connection with the domain using the configured user;

Base DN: Research Base in the domain hierarchy;

Search DNs: It performs a query in the domain to locate the available DN bases, allowing you to select one of the listed options.

Search Options:

  • Page size;

  • Size limit;

  • Timeout;

  • Critical operation control;

  • Search options managed by the server;

  • Paging control managed by the server;

  • Critical paging control.


If the LDAP connection version is set to 3, the options "Critical operation control", "Search options managed by the server," "Paging Control managed by the server", "Critical paging control" will be automatically enabled.


To the sync work correctly you need to:

Set the option filter organizational units

Define which objects will be synchronized with the NDD Portal 360

Set the time interval to perform sync.

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