Add quota rule to printer
User prerequisites:
Master Administrator Permission or
Process prerequisites:
Quota control must be enabled and
The quota type must be configured per printers and
Printer accounting must be enabled
The quota rules allow you to automate quota assignment to the printer. This rule can be configured according to the need of each environment.
To add quota recurrence rule to the printer > view Printers > menu Printers > on the list select the printer > action Open > tab Quotas > locate Active recurrence rules > click on Add rule
Enter the required data, according to quota control unit, considering:
Number of pages
Number of mono pages
Number of color pages
Credit amount
Period: Allows to inform the number of cycles (days, weeks or months) until the next renewal.
Cycle: It allows you to select the time unit to be used in the recurrence rule: days, weeks or months.
Start: It allows to inform from which date/day of the week/month this recurrence rule will be applied.
Limit the recurrence repetition: It allows to inform the number of times that the rule will be executed.
The configuration limits are:
Monthly or weekly recurrence
Pages: 70,000
Color: 70,000 color/70,000 mono
Currency: 7,000
Daily recurrence
Pages: 10,000
Color: 10,000 color/10,000 mono
Currency: 1,000
You can set up a default rule for assigning quotas.
Period: 2
Cycle: Days
Start: 01/09
Limit the recurrence repetition enabled: 30
In this case the rule will be executed every 2 days, for 30 days.
Expire credit: When enabled, quotas will not accumulate from one recurrence to another.
Actions on quotas will not be available to users logged in as a provider.
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