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Configure user authentication credentials

User prerequisites:

Master Administrator Permission or

Administrator Permission

Pré-requisitos do processo:

Não há

Authentication credentials can be used in the release agent modules so that the user can perform the job. Authentication codes make the data security of users as well as their jobs more effective.

To set up the user card code > view Users > menu Users > on the list select the user> action Open > tab Authentication > locate Card codes > click on +Add Card

Enter the necessary data, considering:

Card code: Cards are physical identifiers that can be QR code readers, barcode or proximity cards.

To set the user PIN code and secure PIN code > view Users > menu Users > on the list select the user > action Open > tab Authentication > Edit

Enter the necessary data, considering:

PIN Code: Used for authentication to NDD Print secure release interface.

Secure PIN code: It is an authentication method that aims to complement the security in authentication, it works as if the PIN code was a user data and the Secure PIN a password data.

Edit secure PIN code;

Enable usage;


Confirm code;

Send email to the user about changing the Secure PIN code.


It is possible to register one or more identification codes, depending on the option selected in the authentication credentials settings..

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