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Configure authentication credentials

User prerequisites:

Master Administrator Permission or

Administrator Permission

Process prerequisites:


Authentication credentials can be used in the release agent modules so that the user can perform the job. Authentication codes make the data security of users as well as their jobs more effective.

This configuration allows determining the behavior of the physical identifiers in the system, allowing the user to have only one or several identifiers.

To perform this setting > view Settings > menu Users > locate Number of user card codes > action Edit

Select the desired behavior, considering:

Use only one card code per user: When selecting this option, each user will only have a "Unique identifier".

If a new identification code is registered, the previous one will be deleted;

Use multiple card codes per user: When selecting this option, each user can have several identifiers. Each time a new code is registered it will be stored in the user registry, along with the others, and all of them can be used.

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