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Set alerts on quotas

User prerequisites:

Master Administrator Permission or

Administrator Permission

Process prerequisites:

Quota control must be enabled

This configuration allows you to choose the alerts and messages that will be displayed when the user uses their quotas.

To perform this setting > view Settings > menu Quotas > locate Quota alerts > action Edit >  locate Printing agents

Enable the alerts you want to display, considering:

Use default alert: By default this option is enabled, to change the information that will be displayed to the user, just disable it and insert the new message.

Alert user when the quotas are finished.

Enable alert for users on the amount of quotas reached: In this case, an alert will be displayed directly to the user when their quotas reach the configured value.

Remaining value:

Use default alert: By default this option is enabled, to change the information that will be displayed to the user, just disable it and insert the new message;

Alert the user when the quotas reach the informed amount.


Actions on quotas will not be available to users logged in as a provider.

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