General settings
- Set display terms on print terminals
- Change the number of decimal places
- Set up currency
- Customize the automatic email message
- Enable private print finality
- Disable document accounting by title
- Set company business hours
- Set time for product expiration
- Manage print applications
- Configure licensing alerts
- Set the initial view
- Set Data Protection Officer (DPO)
Configure print quotas
- Enable/Disable quotas control
- Set the quota type
- Set the unit to be used in the quotas control
- Set default quota assignment rule
- Enable/Disable copy quotas discount
- Enable/Disable additional quotas identification
- Set up prepaid cards
- Export prepaid card codes
- Set up email sending about quotas
- Set up email sending about quota by percentages
- Set alerts on quotas
- Generate codes for prepaid cards
- Configure quota management by managers
- Set up credit purchase
Configuring the NDD Print Agent
- Enable user authentication when printing
- Set the interval of data sending to the server
- Force user domain
- Configure PJL file user
- Configure Novell network user
- Configuring printer information search by SNMP
- Configure the behavior if the server is unavailable
- Enable/Disable accounting on LPD ports or remote ports
- Enable session in memory after authentication
- Set the minimum size of the print job
- Set the maximum number of pages in a print
- Set the maximum number of files in work folders
- Set the maximum time to process spool files
- Set up ERP accounting