Create an account
User prerequisites:
Master Administrator Permission or
Process prerequisites:
Accounts are units or organizational methods used to segregate and/or classify the printing environment. They can be configured per printer, where each account will contain the associated printers, or can be configured per user, so each user will belong to one account. The accounts can be, for example: Cost centers, projects, areas, customers or departments.
By using this method you can require the user to specify which account to assign to the job at the time of sending their print job. This allows the monitoring and apportionment of print jobs and their respective costs through reports, charts and statistics.
To create a new account > view Accounts > action Create account
Enter the necessary data, considering:
All users will be able to select this account to assign print jobs: Allows you to make this account selectable at the printing time.
This option is available only when "Allow the user to select the account that their print job will be assigned" is enabled.