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Customize the automatic email message

User prerequisites:

Master Administrator Permission or

Administrator Permission

Process prerequisites:


This configuration allows you to customize the email messages that are sent through the automatic generation of PIN and Secure PIN and password requests.

To customize automatic PIN and Secure PIN generation email

  1. Access view Settings

  2. menu General

  3. locate Emails

  4. action Edit

  5. locate Generate PIN and Secure PIN automatically

Set up the necessary data, considering:

  • Use default email: By default this option is enabled, to change the information that will be sent to the user, just disable it and insert the new message;

  • Customize your email with the following fields: In this field, you can add specific information in the message.

To customize password request email

  1. Access view Settings

  2. menu General

  3. locate Emails

  4. action Edit

  5. locate Request password

Configure the data, considering:

  • Use default email: By default this option is enabled, to change the information that will be sent to the user, just disable it and insert the new message;

  • Customize your email with the following fields: In this field, you can add specific information in the message.

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