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April 2024

Hello, these are the April 2024 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news, and we hope you like it.

Here you can download the latest versions.

See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.

NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.25.4


NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.25.3


NDD Print Agent 5.24.1



NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.25.2



NDD Print Host 5.58.5



NDD Print Client Canon 5.0.0


NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.25.4

Released on April 30


Copy quantity function wasn't hidden

How did the problem happen? AThe function Disable the number of copies option in the HP NDD Print Client did not work in versions higher than 5.25.0.

When did the problem happen? When updating NDD Print MF HP to versions equal to or greater than 5.25.0.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the name of the advanced configuration, because NDD Print MF HP mistakenly looked for this parameter in the registry.

NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.25.3

Released on April 25


NDDigital nddPrint MF HP WCF Service was not installed

How did the problem happen? After updating/installing the module with the service stopped and the service management interface open, the NDD Print MF HP installer was unable to install the new service.

When did the problem happen? During the update/installation of NDD Print MF HP.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the update wizard to finish the processes used by NDD Print MF HP.

NDD Print Agent 5.24.1

Released on April 16


Supplies being captured without some information

How did the problem happen? When monitoring Lexmark devices, some information such as the status and description of the supplies was not being captured.

What was done to fix it? We have corrected the process of capturing supply data, where validation will be carried out. If the information is missing, the supply will not be registered in the NDD Orbix and/or MPS.


Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies

Approved models?




  • RICOH P C600




Incompatible equipments:

  • OKI MPS5502MB

  • OKI MC780

NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.25.2

Released on March 15


Accounting being interrupted

How did the problem happen? When a printer was added or removed, after closing the add/remove wizard, the list of printers in the administration interface was empty.

What was done to fix it? We removed the refresh of the administration interface every minute and the restart of the accounting service.

Error Model not homologated for collection type when adding a device

How did the problem happen? When adding a device with the same IP as another device that had already been removed.

What was done to fix it? We have corrected the process of validating the device's data when it is added to the NDD Print MF HP.

HP readers losing their settings

How did the problem happen? When the device was restarted, the HP readers lost their configuration.

Where was the problem? In the reader configuration in the administration interface.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the way in which the last configuration made by the user was saved.

Printers being removed from the interface

How did the problem happen? When a printer was added or removed, after closing the add/remove wizard, the list of printers in the administration interface was empty.

What was done to fix it? We removed the refresh of the administration interface every minute and the restart of the accounting service.


.NET update

What purpose? With a view to security and the product's evolution strategy, we upgraded .NET to version 8.0.

What was done? NDD Print MF HP is now developed with the new version of .Net 8.0.

Observations? This feature does not require installation, as all the necessary files are already included in this version of NDD Print MF HP.

NET Framework update

What purpose? With a view to security and a product evolution strategy, we updated the NET Framework to version 4.8.

What was done? The NET Framework prerequisite was updated to version 4.8.

Observations? This feature will be installed automatically if it is not already installed or is in a lower version.

NDD Print Host 5.58.5

Released on April 10


Cache synchronization had an error at the quota balance step

How did the problem happen? There were quota debits in the database table which had empty data.

Where was the problem? During the synchronization process, specifically when the debits were synchronized.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the way the data is inserted into the debit table.


Approved printers for collecting counters and network supplies

Approved models?



  • CANON LBP161/LBP162

  • LEXMARK CX532adwe


Observations? None.

NDD Print Client Canon 5.0.0

Released on April 05

New features

New NDD Print Client for manufacturer Canon

The NDD Print Client Canon is a software that manages NDD approved Canon printers. It works together with the other components of the NDD Print solution to ensure secure and efficient printing.

Management is done by controlling access to the equipment. This means that only authorized users can print documents on the printer.

In this first version, the NDD Print Client Canon component is compatible with various functionalities, find out more.

The Canon NDD Print Client is compatible with printers in the MEAP G3 family, find out which models are compatible.

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NDD Print Client Canon

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