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Quotas statement

User prerequisites:



If the logged-in user is not manager of any account,  the reports will display only the user print jobs data.

Process prerequisites:

Quota control must be enabled

This report allows you to view all the credits and debits of a specific user. Information about: Date, Type, Description, Operator, Amount of debits and credits, and Identification (when configured) will be displayed.

To view the report > view Reports > menu Quotas > locate Users > Quotas statement

The report generation wizard will display the filters:

Report options:

Generate now;

Schedule: In this case it is possible to configure how often the report will be generated, as well as the users who should receive it.

Start date;

Select a user: It allows you to view only the information of the selected user.


Quota types: It allows you to view only the information of the selected quota type;




This filter is available only when the print finality is corporate and private.

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