August 2023
Hello, these are the August 2023 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news and we hope you like it.
Here you can download the latest versions.
See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.
NDD Print Host 5.55.0
NDD Print MF/Client Brother 5.10.4
NDD Print Host 5.54.1
NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.23
Using HP NDD Print MF in Network Load Balancing (NLB) environments →
Quota control files being stored in the installation directory →
NDD Print Agent 5.23.16
NDD Print Host 5.54
NDD Print Releaser 5.26
NDD Print Agent 5.23.15
NDD Print Host 5.55.0
Released on August 28
USB printer monitoring rule was not removed from NDD Print Agent
How did the problem happen? When adding a USB monitoring rule to the NDD Print Host, the NDD Print Agent downloads the rule, but when removing it from the NDD Print Host, the NDD Print Agent does not remove it from its registry.
When did the problem happen? When performing the creation of a USB monitoring rule.
Where was the problem? In the NDD Print Host registry.
What was done to fix it? The rule has been changed so that when the USB monitoring setting is disabled, an empty template list is sent.
LiveUpdate .NETFramework Update
What purpose? Keep the product safe using the latest technology.
What was done? We've updated the .NET Framework to version 4.8.0.
What will be affected? The prerequisite for installing the NDD Print Host component.
What is the impact on the environment? None.
Observations? None.
Removing the NDD Print Agent update via LiveUpdate
What purpose? Aiming at security and product evolution strategy, we removed the update through LiveUpdate.
What was done? We removed the NDD Print Agent update through LiveUpdate.
What will be affected? The automatic update of the NDD Print Agent.
What is the impact on the environment? None.
Observations? None.
Using a read and write user to synchronize information with the Database
What purpose? To improve security, it is now possible to use a user with read and write permission to synchronize information with the Database.
What was done? We removed the need to use an administrator (DBOwner) user to synchronize information with the Database.
What will be affected? The user setting for sync.
What is the impact on the environment? None.
Observations? Use database configuration to manage access.
Approved printers for collecting counters and network supplies
Approved models?
Observations? None.
NDD Print MF/Client Brother 5.10.4
Released on August 22
Expired certificate when adding equipment with BSI accounting
How did the problem happen? When trying to add a new device with the BSI accounting type, an alert was shown about the expired certificate.
When did the problem happen? When adding equipment with BSI accounting.
Where was the problem? On the certificate provided by the manufacturer.
What was done to fix it? The manufacturer provided us a new certificate.
NDD Print Host 5.54.1
Released on August 18
Approved printers for collecting counters and network supplies
Approved models?
Observations? None.
NDD Print MF and Client HP 5.23
Released on August 08
New features
Italian translation
What is the new functionality? Translation of the HP NDD Print Client into Italian.
What is the benefit of the new feature? Enable the NDD Print Client to be used in the Italian language to serve the European market.
How does the new feature work? The NDD Print Client will have option to select Italian language.
Observations? Only the NDD Print Client will be translated into the Italian language, the NDD Print MF HP interface will be presented in English.
Catalan translation
What is the new functionality? Translation of the HP NDD Print Client into the Catalan language.
What is the benefit of the new feature? Allow the NDD Print Client to be used in the Catalan language for the European market.
How does the new feature work? The NDD Print Client will have the option to select the Catalan language.
Observations? Only the NDD Print Client will be translated into the Catalan language, the NDD Print MF HP interface will be presented in English.
Accounting is not being performed on Backup Equipment
How did the problem happen? When using Backup printers (Printers with the same network address as a printer registered in the NDD Print MF HP).
When did the problem happen? When a printer was replaced by a Backup printer without being removed from the NDD Print MF HP.
Where was the problem? During the accounting process.
What was done to fix it? When this equipment replacement process is used, the BackupAccounting setting can be used.
Using HP NDD Print MF in Network Load Balancing (NLB) environments
What purpose? Allow the use of NDD Print MF and Client HP in environments where Network Load Balancing (NLB) is used.
What was done? It is now possible to create a registry key to identify the client's IP in HTTP calls.
To learn how to create it, visit our tutorial here.
What will be affected? The process of adding and using NDD Print Client features when the client uses NLB.
What is the impact on the environment? None.
Observations? None.
Use the NDD Print Client in 1280x652 resolutions
What purpose? Enable the use of the HP NDD Print Client in 1280 x 652 resolutions.
What was done? We have enhanced the HP NDD Print Client to be functional on printers of all panel sizes already implemented and at 10" panel resolution, while respecting component sizing.
What will be affected? All screens of the HP NDD Print Client.
What is the impact on the environment? You can use our solution on printers with 2.7, 4.3, 8, 8HD and 10" panels.
Observations? None.
Change in the way documents are released
What purpose? Allow the user to automatically release pending documents right after authentication.
What was done? The option was added inside the authentication configuration of the NDD Print MF HP.
What will be affected? The way to release documents.
What is the impact on the environment? The documents will be automatically released, without the need to click on the solution's icon, regardless of the authentication method.
Observations? The setting must be enabled on the authentication tab of the NDD Print MF HP Admin.
Adapt the HP NDD Print Client for 2.7" panels
What purpose? Adapt the HP NDD Print Client for printers with 2.7" panels.
What was done? We have improved the HP NDD Print Client to be functional on printers with 2.7" panels, respecting the dimensioning of components.
What will be affected? All screens of the HP NDD Print Client.
What is the impact on the environment? You can use our solution on printers with 2.7" panels.
Observations? None.
Quota control files being stored in the installation directory
What purpose? Improve the process of deleting files related to Quota control.
What was done? We improved the deletion process during the debit of quotas in the copies, which caused the accumulation of files during the calculation of the discount.
What will be affected? The process of deleting XML files.
What is the impact on the environment? The user does not need to manually remove the files, this improves the performance of the update process of the NDD Print MF HP.
Observations? None.
Approvals of RFIDeas and HP HID readers
Approved models?
RFIdeas - MODEL Y7C05A VID 3111 PID 15354
HP HID Mobile Access BLE MIFARE Card Reader MODEL 35H11A VID 3111 PID 15354
RFIdeas - MODEL MS3-00M1AKU VID 3111 PID 4096
Observations? How to configure the barcode reader RFIdeas
NDD Print Agent 5.23.16
Released on August 08
Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies
Approved models?
Observations? None.
NDD Print Host 5.54
Released on August 08
New features
In-memory static data caching
What is the new functionality? Implementation of data caching, where information will be temporarily stored in memory.
What is the benefit of the new feature? Mitigate excessive repeated queries on the network or in the NDD Print Host database for static printer, domain and account information, reducing response time and improving print performance.
How does the new feature work? When receiving calls from the Agents installed on the workstations, the NDD Print Host Nancy service searches the information directly in the cache, if this information is not found, the search is performed on the network (printers) or in the Database (printers, domains and accounts), following the NDD Print Host process. Access the manual to learn how to configure the cache expiration time.
The default time configured is 180 minutes.
If the configured time is equal to zero, the data will not be cached.
Timeout occurred when loading OUs in the LDAP sync filter screen
How did the problem happen? Timeout occurred when loading OUs in the LDAP sync filter screen.
When did the problem happen? When loading the OUs tree of an AD with more than 50 thousand OUs.
Where was the problem? In the LDAP sync filter screen.
What was done to fix it? A new parameter was created to define the time in seconds of the timeout, between 100 and 30,000 seconds, so that the OUs tree is loaded on the screen. Access the configuration in the NDD Print Host manual.
NDD Print Releaser 5.26
Released on August 08
New features
Import printers massively (CSV and TXT)
What is the new functionality? It is now possible to import several devices at the same time, through a CSV or TXT file.
What is the benefit of the new feature? Allow the user to add several devices. Here are some situations you can use this feature:
When there is a server migration
When machines are formatted
When reinstallation of the NDD Print Releaser Module is required
How does the new feature work? Just import a pre-configured file with the queue information, to learn more access the manual here.
Observations? To use this feature, queues and groups must be created on the Print Server and/or Workstation.
NDD Print Agent 5.23.15
Released on August 04
Improve the process of searching for printer settings and information in NDD Print Host
What purpose? Decrease the number of requests to search for account settings, domains and other settings made in NDD Print Portal 360. As well as improving the way of capturing printer information.
What was done? Changed the TimeUpdatePerfis setting to search for information every, 1440 minutes (24 hours).
What will be affected? The search for settings in the NDD Print Host or the nddPrint.Host.Tools.ConfigureAgentParameters tool.
What is the impact on the environment? None.
Observations? Settings can take up to 24 hours to reflect on a station.