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December 2023

Hello, these are the December 2023 Release Notes of NDD Print, we have a lot of news, and we hope you like it.

Here you can download the latest versions.

See a summary of all updates and click on the links to navigate each one.

NDD Print Agent 5.23.20


NDD Print MF Epson 5.3.5


NDD Print MF Sharp 5.3.5



NDD Print MF Brother 5.10.5


NDD Print Host 5.58.0



NDD Print Releaser 5.27.0



NDD Print Agent 5.23.20

Released on December 29


Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies

Approved models?


  • CANON iR ADV 400/500 iR ADV 500


  • LEXMARK CX331adwe


  • CANON iR C1325/1335


Equipment adjusted for monitoring counters and USB supplies:

  • EPSON WF M5190

  • EPSON WF C5290

Incompatible equipments:



NDD Print MF Epson 5.3.5

Released on December 28


File with printer information was getting corrupted

How did the problem happen? The file containing the information on the printers was repeatedly corrupted, which meant that accounting was not carried out.

When did the problem happen? When reading the information from the printers to carry out the accounting or when opening the NDD Print MF Epson interface.

Where was the problem? In the file containing the printer information.

What was done to fix it? The interface has been corrected to allow printers with errors to be loaded.

NDD Print MF Sharp 5.3.5

Released on December 21


Failed to count documents with a comma in the username

How did the problem happen? In documents that had a comma in the username.

When did the problem happen? When generating the file for accounting.

Where was the problem? In the accounting process.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the process of reading the document information.

Printer was removed from NDD Print MF Sharp

How did the problem happen? The last printer added was removed shortly later.

When did the problem happen? When adding a device.

Where was the problem? In the file that saves the printer information.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the way the file containing the printer information was read and written.

Crash when running NDD Print MF Sharp or trying to add a printer

How did the problem happen? The file where the printer information is saved ended up being corrupted.

When did the problem happen? When opening NDD Print MF Sharp or trying to add a device.

Where was the problem? In the access permission of the NDD Print MF Sharp files.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the permissions so that the application could access all the necessary resources.

Fixing elements in the NDD Print Client

How did the problem happen? The view of buttons and usernames was not adjusted in the NDD Print Client Sharp.

When did the problem happen? When authenticating the NDD Print Client Sharp.

Where was the problem? In the NDD Print Client Sharp.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the position of the elements in the NDD Print Client Sharp.


Network accounting approved printers

Approved models?

  • BP-70C45

  • BP-70M31

Observations? None.

NDD Print MF Brother 5.10.5

Released on December 14


NDD Print MF Brother did not respect the behavior settings of NDD Print Releaser

How did the problem happen? When configuring the behavior after authentication in NDD Print Releaser, MF Brother did not respect the configuration.

When did the problem happen? When authenticating in the Brother NDD Print Client.

What was done to fix it? We corrected the search for the configuration made in the NDD Print Releaser.

NDD Print Host 5.58.0

Released on December 08


Removing Active Directory authentication

What purpose? In the interests of security and the product's evolution strategy, we have removed authentication via Active Directory.

What was done? We removed the authentication functionality in the NDD Print Host component.

What will be affected? The way authentication is configured for use on NDD Print 360 release terminals.

What is the impact on the environment? n the event of an NDD Print Host upgrade, the authentication configuration will be deleted, and it will be necessary to migrate to the Domain Integration functionality using Integrated authentication.

Observations? None.

Removing import via Active Directory

What purpose? In the interests of security and the product's evolution strategy, we have removed the import of users, groups, physical identifiers and PINs and secure PINs via Active Directory.

What was done? We removed the import functionality from the NDD Print Host component.

What will be affected? The way data is imported into NDD Print Portal 360.

What is the impact on the environment? In the event of an update to NDD Print Host, the integrations will be deleted, and it will be necessary to migrate to the Domain integration functionality.

Observations? None.


Approved printers for collection of USB meters and supplies

Approved models?



Observations? None.

NDD Print Releaser 5.27.0

Released on December 07


Inconsistencies when storing user documents in the SQLite database

How did the problem happen? When uploading user documents, some inconsistencies were presented. These situations were caused by the SQLite database being configured to differentiate between lowercase and uppercase letters (Case Sensitive).

When did the problem happen? When registering documents in the NDD Print Releaser database.

Where was the problem? In the SQLite database.

What was done to fix it? All the tables in the SQLite database were corrected to be case-insensitive.

Delete printer option disabled in NDD Print Releaser

How did the problem happen? In the list of printers in NDD Print Releaser, the option to delete a printer was not enabled.

What was done to fix it? The option to delete printers on the equipment list screen has been re-enabled.


Allow communication between NDD Print Releaser and NDD Print Agent via HTTPS

What purpose? In the interests of security and the product's evolution strategy, communications between NDD Print Releaser and NDD Print Agent can now be carried out via the HTTPS protocol.

What was done? We have added the advanced configuration to enable HTTPS communication.

What will be affected? Communication between the NDD Print Releaser modules and all the NDD Print Agents installed in the environment.

What is the impact on the environment? The default communication between NDD Print Releaser and NDD Print Agent will be changed to HTTP.

Observations? To use HTTPS communication, the minimum version of NDD Print Agent must be 5.24.

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